Crop Protection

Shut Down Threats

Transform crop rows into defensive lines with our crop protection solutions. Energize natural crop defenses with a new approach to pathogen and pest control – Tidal Grow® Spectra. Our combination of fungicide, bactericide, and nematicide biopesticide protects your maximum yield.

Chitosan-Based Crop Protection

Similar to our seed treatments, chitosan—the active ingredient in our crop protection solutions, powers the effectiveness of our biopesticides. By upcycling crustaceans from the seafood industry, Tidal Grow® leverages chitin, one of the most abundant biopolymers on Earth found in exoskeletons, to green manufacture chitosan. This sustainable, robust active ingredient also serves as a biostimulant to support overall crop health.

Crop and Applicator Safety

Our crop protection products are approved by the EPA as a minimum-risk pesticide – making it exempt from federal registration requirements (FIFRA 40 CFR 152). Tidal Grow’s chitosan-based crop protection solutions are crop- and applicator-safe.*

*Safe when used as directed. Chitosan was designated Safer Choice by the EPA in 2024.

Crop Protection Solutions

Our precisely formulated chitosan-based crop protection products fight off pests and pathogens, including nematodes and tar spot. These biopesticides are easily stacked with other crop inputs to optimize efficacy and suppress biotic pressures.

Spectra is a bioactive combination of fungicide, bactericide, and nematicide that shuts down threats.

View Spectra

Get In Touch With Tidal Grow

Let's find new and revolutionary ways increase your yields, through advanced crop protection solutions, improve your plant and soil health, and boost your bottom line.

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