Tidal Grow® Spectra

Crop Protection

Tidal Grow® Spectra is a bioactive fungicide, bactericide, and nematicide that aids in the control of agricultural diseases and pests while boosting plant vigor.

Our ProductsCrop ProtectionTidal Grow® Spectra

Transforming Crop Rows Into Defensive Lines

Features & Benefits

Fights Pathogens Directly

Targets pests and pathogens, including nematodes, and works with other active ingredients to optimize efficacy.

Stimulates Growth and Boosts Yield

Supports overall crop health and unlocks previously inaccessible soil nutrients.

Activates Natural Defense

Enhances the crop’s natural immune system and fortifies against abiotic stressors.

Focus Crops




Perennial Fruit & Nut Trees


Target Pests and Pathogens

Root Knot Nematode
Colorado Potato Beetle
Sudden Death Syndrome
Tar Spot
White Mold
Brown Rust
Early Blight
Late Blight

Fast Facts

Use Rate
  • Row Crops: Apply 8 to 12 fluid ounces per acre at post-emergence and/or with mid-season fungicide. Contact your crop consultant, local agronomist, or a Tidal Grow representative for specific recommendations.
  • Potatoes: Apply 9 to 16 fluid ounces per acre in-furrow, hilling bed prep, 4th foliar application, and/or 6th foliar application. Contact your crop consultant, local agronomist, or a Tidal Grow representative for specific recommendations.
  • Perennial Fruit & Nut Trees: Contact your pest control adviser or a Tidal Grow representative for specific recommendations.
Other Specifications
  • Listed as 25(b) pesticide (approved by the EPA as a minimum-risk pesticide, exempt from federal registration requirements (FIFRA 40CFR 152)).
  • Crop and applicator safe*, with minimal additional PPE required for applicators.
    *Safe when used as directed. Chitosan, the active ingredient in Tidal Grow® Spectra, was designated Safer Choice by the EPA in 2024.
  • Non-toxic formulation: 0 PHI and 0 REI
  • Compatible with many common fertilizers, fungicides, and/or insecticides. Perform a jar test before tank mixing with other products.
  • Pending regulatory approval in California.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What kind of product is Tidal Grow® Spectra?

Q: What is the active ingredient in Tidal Grow® Spectra?

Q: What is chitosan? How is it any different from chitin?

Q: Where does Tidal Grow source its chitosan? How is it extracted?

Q: What is the elicitor effect?

Q: Do we need to worry about shellfish allergies since the active ingredient in Tidal Grow® Spectra is derived from crab shells?

Q: What is the REI and PHI for Tidal Grow® Spectra?

Q: How does one product work in so many different ways?

Q: What's the ideal order of operations for mixing Tidal Grow® Spectra with other inputs?

Q: Which products are incompatible with Tidal Grow® Spectra?

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Ready to explore how Tidal Grow AgriScience can help your operation thrive? Connect with a representative today for expert advice and tailored solutions.

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