Plant Health

Power Up Natural Defenses

Turn your fields into fortified systems with our plant health solutions. Energize natural crop defenses with a new approach to plant health—Tidal Grow® Chroma. This unique biostimulant induces natural plant responses and increases tolerance to abiotic stress.

Chitosan-Based Plant Health

Like our crop protection products, the active ingredient, chitosan, is bioengineered to optimize plant health. Chitin, found in crustaceans, is upcycled from the seafood industry to bioengineer chitosan. When crops make contact with chitosan-based plant health solutions, the plant triggers an immune response to protect itself from what it believes to be a foreign attack, which, in turn, enhances the crop quality and yield.

Crop and Applicator Safety

Minimal personal protective equipment (PPE) is required to handle or apply our biostimulant products. Tidal Grow’s chitosan-based plant health solutions are crop- and applicator-safe.

*Safe when used as directed.

Plant Health Solutions

Our precisely formulated chitosan-based plant health products build plant immunity and support overall crop health. These biostimulants are easily stacked with other crop inputs to optimize efficacy.

Chroma is a biostimulant that supports crop vitality and quality.

View Chroma

Get In Touch With Tidal Grow

Let's find new and revolutionary ways increase your yields, through advanced crop protection solutions, improve your plant and soil health, and boost your bottom line.

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