Q: Is Tidal Grow® Oceanic® a fish hydrolysate fertilizer or a fish emulsion fertilizer?
A: Neither. Tidal Grow® Oceanic® is a cold-processed seafood hydrolysate fertilizer made by upcycling a variety of fish and other seafood byproducts, such as crab shells. Most fish fertilizer products on the market today only include fish byproducts in their formulations.
Q: What is the difference between a hydrolysate fertilizer and an emulsion fertilizer?
A: Fish emulsions can be heat-treated and lose many essential nutrients, but hydrolysates tend to retain all the natural compounds from the fish and other seafood, like amino acids, peptides, lipids, and enzymes, making them more bioavailable. Our proprietary cold process always preserves the full nutrient profile, offering a reliable solution for improving soil and plant health.
Q: Will Tidal Grow® Oceanic® mix and stay suspended with other inputs?
A: Tidal Grow® Oceanic® is compatible with most crop nutrition and protection products, including liquid nitrogen sources like UAN32 and UAN28. However, it does not mix well with certain phosphates or polyphosphates commonly found in liquid starter blends, such as those with NPK values of 10-34-0 and 11-37-0. For detailed mixing guidelines, please refer to our Mixing Success document and perform a jar test before combining large volumes.
Q: Can Tidal Grow® Oceanic® supply all my nitrogen needs?
A: While we have some regenerative growers who rely on Tidal Grow® Oceanic® for all their nitrogen needs, we recommend growers supplement their existing nutrient program with Tidal Grow® Oceanic® starting around 2 gallons per acre at multiple application times per season. We suggest you work with an agronomist or a Tidal Grow AgriScience representative for specific recommendations to best fit your operation.
Q: Can I apply Tidal Grow® Oceanic® with a streamer bar?
A: Yes, growers successfully use Tidal Grow® Oceanic® with streamer bars on various row crops.
Q: Can I draw from a tank or tote of Tidal Grow® Oceanic® without agitation?
A: Just like with many other crop inputs, you need to agitate Tidal Grow® Oceanic® to keep the valuable nutrients, such as oils and proteins, in suspension before drawing from the tank or tote. We recommend agitating it at least once a month to maintain its quality.
Q: Why do I see separation of the oils in Tidal Grow® Oceanic®?
A: Separation is normal and expected because Tidal Grow® Oceanic® is full of oils and omega-3s that feed beneficial fungi to help improve soil quality through expanded hyphal networks. If storing for an extended amount of time, agitate it monthly, and during the application period, agitate daily to prevent clogging screens and nozzles. For more information, refer to our Mixing Success document.
Q: Will Tidal Grow® Oceanic® flow through normal high-speed planters? What about high-speed ground rigs and sprayers?
A: Yes, Tidal Grow® Oceanic® can flow through normal high-speed planters, high-speed ground rigs, and sprayers, but some equipment adjustments are necessary to prevent plugging issues. Inline orifices and screens should be oversized by 40% or more, and pump screens should be between 50-80 mesh. Additionally, reducing pressure and ensuring proper tank agitation is critical. For more details, refer to our Mixing Success document.
Q: Will Tidal Grow® Oceanic® freeze during the winter?
A: We typically do not see Tidal Grow® Oceanic® freeze into a solid block, but it may become slow and slightly thicker in cold temperatures. We do not recommend applying Tidal Grow® Oceanic® when it’s in this cold, viscous state, as it can affect flowability and cause issues with application equipment.
Q: Is there an ideal order for mixing Tidal Grow® Oceanic® in with other inputs?
A: Similar to other crop inputs, we recommend a specific mixing order when blending with other products. Below are the steps and order we recommend: 1.) Prepare Acidified Mix Water: Use your choice of acid to adjust the mix water pH to 4-5, 2.) Agitate the Mix Water: Ensure the water is well-agitated, 3.) Add Products: Introduce your intended blend of products, starting with the lowest pH (most acidic) and moving up to the highest pH (least acidic). For more details, refer to our Mixing Success document, and always perform a jar test before mixing large volumes.
Q: Does Tidal Grow® Oceanic® contain chitin?
A: Yes, Tidal Grow® Oceanic® does contain chitin, which is derived from the crabshell in our product.
Q: Does Tidal Grow® Oceanic® contain chitosan?
Q: Are there specific shipping requirements for Tidal Grow® Oceanic® that I need to know about?
A: Tidal Grow® Oceanic® is registered to be shipped and sold in the main 48 states of the U.S. and Canada. While Tidal Grow® Oceanic® is not considered to be a hazardous material, it’s still important to follow all shipping and transportation laws that apply to your business. Tidal Grow® Oceanic® can be delivered by tanker truck or 265-gallon totes.
Q: Is Tidal Grow® Oceanic® the same product as Pacific Gro Oceanic?
A: Yes, Tidal Grow® AgriScience acquired Pacific Gro and all its products, including Oceanic®. There have not been any changes to the product, manufacturing or formulation.